Why Are These Credentials Such As Barangay Clearance Police Clearance Mayor'…

why are these credentials such as barangay clearance police clearance mayor’s clearance important


Credentials such as Barangay Clearance, Police Clearance, Mayor’s Clearance or Certificate and Medical Certificate are important for security and civil purposes. Barangay Clearance is an identity check if you are really a resident of that certain barangay. This is also a means to check our personal profile . Police clearance is very important as it serves as a a proof that you don’t have any criminal record. This is also a means to know your identity. And medical certificate is a document regarding our health issues. Whether we are physically healthy or not as of particular moment. These credentials are essential in looking for a job, too. For these will attest your credibility as a person.


hope it helps 🙂

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