Impact Of Technology In Politics Introduction,body And Conclusi…

Impact of technology in politics introduction,body and conclusion

Impact of Technology on Politics

Technology comes from the Greek word tekhnologia which is a combination of “techne” which means ability and “logos” which means knowledge. The definition of technology is all the means to provide goods needed for human comfort and survival.

Over time, technology continues to develop. All humans in the world have enjoyed and felt the benefits of an advance in the digital world or technology that is so rapidly in the 20th century. Technological advances certainly have positive and negative impacts on various aspects of life. The impact of technology in the political field is as follows:

  • The influence of technology on political recognition

Technology and politics cannot be separated from each other. Technology has fundamentally changed the process of marketing political campaigns. One of the technologies used in the marketing of political campaigns is social media and other social networking platforms. The use of the platform is certainly more appropriate and in accordance with the target of the campaign.

This technique is used by political campaigns to influence individuals with certain demographics, thereby influencing public opinion or the people who consume them.

The technology used in political recognition can also help the public to gain access to political information in their country and abroad. In addition, technology can help regenerate the leadership of a country because it can provide information that can attract the interest of the younger generation in politics.

  • The influence of technology on political content
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One the democratic life in a country is determined by how much political participation is from the people of that country. Participation from the community will be seen when actively involved in political life. For example, during presidential elections, regional heads, or when choosing people’s representatives.

Technology in politics can have both positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts of technology include:

  1. increasing public awareness such as young people participating in politics which is referred to as leadership regeneration,
  2. increase the active participation of developing countries in the global political arena and make it easy to access any foreign policy information quickly and accurately. This development and progress can affect the existence of developing countries against developed countries,
  3. The tendency to grow regionalism or relations between countries in the political field.

This of course affects the content of a country’s politics. Increasing public awareness and the younger generation in politics will contribute to the political growth of a country, whether it goes in a good direction or vice versa because society is one of the elements of the state that has an important role in a country.

  • Conclusion on the influence of technology in politics

From this, it can be concluded that technology in politics can influence people’s mindsets and can change people’s perspectives on politics. Technology in politics is a tool that contributes to the process of political sustainability.

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