Find The Words By Finding The Estimated Elapsed Time Of The Table B…

Find the words by finding the estimated elapsed time of the table below. Time, started, 7:19/11:34 /4:02/1:03 /5:07 18:08/21/1 Time Finished 7:31|11:57 5:03/1:51/5:28/8:48/8:55
Letter Assigned
10min 20min 30min 40min 50min 60min
P I. H. C. S. Y

To find the words by estimating the elapsed time, we can look at the letters assigned to each block of 10 minutes in the table:

10 minutes: P

20 minutes: I

30 minutes: H

40 minutes: C

50 minutes: S

60 minutes: Y

So, the estimated word based on the elapsed time of the table is “PHCSY”.

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