1. This includes both growth and the ability to use muscles and body parts for particular skills A Emotional development B. Mental development C.Physical development D.Social development 2 Involves leaming what feelings and emotions are understanding how and why they occur, recognizing your own feelings and those of others, and developing effective ways for managing those feelings. A Emotional development B. Mental development C.Physical development D. Social development 3. Talking with your baby and naming commonly used objects is an example of: A.cognitive development B.mental development C.physical development D. of social development 4. This includes such abilities as attending, perceiving, observing, remembering, imagining, thinking, solving problems and growth of intelligence as well as of the language attitude. A. Emotional development B. Mental development C. Physical development D. Social development 5. This refers to the process by which a child learns to interact with others around him/her. A. Emotional development B. Mental development C. Physical development D. Social development 6. Encouragement is the life blood of a relationship. And yet, this simple concept is often very hard to put into practice, this is according to A. Alfred Adler B. Dr. Emily De Carlo C. Bible in Hebrews 3:11 D. Timothy D. Evans, Ph.D. 7. Which of the following statements is true? A. Being happy is not to stop being a victim of problems but become an actor B. Being happy is only to treasure the smile, but that you also reflect on the sadness. C. Being happy is not to recognize that it is worthwhile to live, despite all the challenges, understandings and times of crises. D. Being happy is finding strength in forgiveness, hope in one’s battles, security at the stage of fear, love in disagreements 8. So often we accept the declarations that others have made concerning our own lives, well-being or fate. This is according to: A. Alfred Adler B. Dr. Emily De Carlo C. Bible in Hebrews 3:11 D. Timothy D. Evans, Ph.D. 9. What does personal declaration means? A. Generating ideas
1. B.
2. A.
3. A
4. C.
5. C.
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